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Create, Enhance, and Maintain Harmony

Housing (Traditional Shelter)
CHarlotte -mecklenburg county
Housing (Traditional Shelter)
Charlotte Emergency Housing
P.O. Box 9373, Charlotte, NC 28299-9373
Phone: 704-335-5488, Fax: 704-335-5480
Services Temporary comprehensive emergency shelter for homeless families and single women Transitional and follow-up services to residents Licensed day care for children birth to 12 years of age living temporary housing
Charlotte Rescue Mission
907 W. First Street, PO Box 33000,
Charlotte, NC 28233
Phone: 704-334-4635 x214, Fax: 704- 333-7285
The Charlotte Rescue Mission ministers the Good News of Christianity to individuals caught in cycles of poverty, hopelessness and chemical addictions by meeting their spiritual, physical, social, psychological and vocational needs. Services The Mission provides a 90-day Christian residential recovery program for men and women who are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol and are predominantly homeless.
Positive Youth Transformations
Phone: 704-777-3294
Email: Positive Youth
It is the mission of P.Y.T. to advocate for a safe community, where children acquire the skills necessary to become effective citizens. The Relatives 1100 East Blvd #460, Charlotte, NC 28203 Phone: 704-377-0602, The Relatives is a co-ed, 9-bed emergency shelter for runaway, homeless, and other youth in crisis from ages 7-17. Services Emergency housing Counseling Aftercare Parenting courses
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